Hi my wonderful readers! Usually, people face many difficulties with their bathroom space no matter if it is small of big. Especially in the small bathrooms, they lack storage space to organize their necessary bathroom cleaning lotions, soaps, shampoos, and brushes. Also, towels take much of their bathroom space. Because of this, I have made this collection offering some tips for bathroom storage ideas. Here, through examples, you will find the most practical ideas that you may copy for your own bathroom. So, let’s see what you can do out of your limited bathroom space in this collection of 16 Tips For Bathroom Storage Ideas That Will Help You A Lot. Enjoy!
Bathroom Shelves

Image via: mabecolombia.co
Wicker Elements for Your Bathroom
If you are looking for a solution on a budget, you can always try and get a wicker furniture. This is so, because these elements are really easy to find and they are on the lower side, so you will not send a fortune.

Image via: decoralia.es

Image via: hoylowcost.com
How to Get The Most Out Of Your Small Space
As you will go through the examples, you will see that the secret to more organized life is to get the most out of each space and corner. Therefore, you should pay attention to the space that you thought that it is impossible to use. Undoubtedly, you haven’t thought of the bathroom storage solution below. There, you will find storage ideas that are around the tank lid. Isn’t this cool?

Image via: decoraciondelacasa.com

Image via: ypublico.com
Ladder Storage Solution

Image via: myhome.pl
Amazing Shelves Organizers
Shelves are the most used and practical solutions. For small bathrooms just make sure that the shelves are not that wide. Consequently, they should not take your free walking space. Below are some examples of shelves bathroom storage ideas that will benefit you a lot.

Image via: diyselfy.blogspot.mk

Image via: cutediyprojects.com

Image via: edna.bg

Image via: diycozyhome.com
Wall Hanging Organizers

Image via: newmanscorner.com
DIY Wooden Crates Storage Ideas

Image via:interiorfor.com

Image via: woohome.com
Labelled Storage Basket Solutions

Image via: kvartblog.ru
Towel Bathroom Organizers

Image via: practic-ideas.com

Image via: tumish.com
In brief, how did you find my bathroom storage ideas for your home? Aren’t they lovely? Which one is your favorite? We made this collection to give you great ideas how to redecorate your dream home with something cool and creative. Therefore, feel free to share your comments with us. Thank you for reading and don’t forget to stay up to date with the content of Feel It Cool to find many other great home decor ideas. Until our next post – ‘Follow your heart and stay cool’