The leading causes of poor health and death among adults especially women include cancer, stroke, heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes and other health-related complications. Personal health is not like school where I can get my homework done by someone else. You must take a personal responsibility to make sure that it works for you. To solve your health problems, here are 20 natural home countermeasures to consider:
- Eating a well-balanced diet
This is recommended to deal with various heart complications and diseases. When taken alongside regular body exercises, a balanced diet is very useful in keeping a woman’s heart health fit where risks of heart diseases get reduced.
- Eating Lean proteins, vegetable oil and whole grains.
These will largely help in the management of weight and most importantly recommended to avoid risks of breast cancer. Health professionals from custom dissertation services advise against the use of animal fat to avert a number of health complications.
- Breathe the right manner
To maximize sufficient intake of oxygen, blood circulation and normal body functioning, it is important to learn how to breathe. Naturally, you are supposed to breathe from your diaphragm and not from the chest.
- Do Daily Exercises
Take about 30 minutes each day to exercises your body. Keep off smoking; take little or no alcohol to avert causes of breast cancer and other complications. If you have had a baby in recent times, make sure you breastfeed the baby properly and as long as it is possible.
- Watch your Breakfast
Make it healthy one and a must for you every day. It’s the most important meal you will need during the day. Having done that, it will help you avoid unhealthy snacks over lunchtime that could make it difficult for you to manage your weight.
- Take Sufficient Amounts of Water
It is recommended that you take 8 glasses of water every day at the minimum. It helps in digestion and making the food you have eaten a lot useful. Water helps manage weight compared to sweetened drinks, boosts your energy levels, and brain function.
- Bath and Cleanse Your Body regularly
Your body needs cleaning quite often. Use a refreshing oil to remove dirt and bad smell from your body. This will help you gain fresh energy and get revitalized for the day. Your health also depends on the cleanliness of your body.
- Use Immune-Balancing Supplements and nutrients
Take in nutrients and supplements that have essential fats and vitamin D to help you against autoimmune diseases where your immune system tends to attack your body and either alter or destroy your body tissues. Such diseases include type-1 diabetes, lupus and so on.
- Take time to Relax
Yoga is good for relaxation and meditation. This reverses stress that piles up from day-to-day activities. These along with a close monitoring of your weight will also help you against autoimmune diseases.
- Use Foods Rich in Calcium
Sufficient vitamin D and adequate calcium as well as regular exercise help in keeping your bones healthy. Such foods help in prevention against osteoporosis, a condition where bone density deteriorates.
- Eating Vegetables and Fruits
The habit of taking diets rich in vegetables and fruits is good for your health because it helps in boosting your general immune system.
- Keep off the Midday Sun
It is good to sunbathe but it is not recommended for you to stay in the sun during midday hours. Make use of a sunscreen every day, at least one with an SPF of 15 to protect yourself against ultraviolet radiation. This will help avoid melanoma cancer, which starts out in melanocytes in your body skin.
- Don’t Abuse Substances
Avoid smoking and taking alcohol. If you have to, let it be properly controlled. Along with that, manage your weight, take a healthy diet and exercise daily. It will help in preventing Type-2 diabetes.
- Watch the Amount of Salt you Take
Excessive intake of salt is harmful to your body. It is among the things that cause high blood pressures such as alcohol intake, lack of exercise and increased body weight. Experts recommend a careful watch of the amount of salt that goes in your body.
- Keep Off Sugary Items
Women love eating cakes and other candies. Don’t fall into this trap. These products have some negative effects on your skin and body weight. Avoiding them will help you stay away from chronic diseases such as diabetes. For every extra 12-ounce serving of sugary food or drink, there is an increased 25% chance of getting type-2 diabetes.
- Personal Hygiene and Cooking habits
Simple things such as the washing of your hands frequently and effective cooking of meat among other kitchen practices are useful in preventing a number of health complications.
- Engage in Fun Activities
Your body needs to relax through fun activities. This, along with taking healthy diets and doing regular exercises help in the prevention of a depressed mood.
- Do things to Stimulate your Mind
With an active social life, regular exercises, stress management and a healthy diet, it’s unlikely you will have mild confusion and increased forgetfulness. This happens more especially as you grow in age.
- Quality Sleep and Rest
Your body needs rest and one of the best ways to do it is to make sure that you have enough sleep during the night. Sufficient sleep and body rest enhances your memory and increased creativity. Those who sleep sufficiently are also believed to live longer.
- Don’t Share Personal Items
Keep all the personal items to yourself and don’t share them. Thinks like razors, toothbrush and nail clips should only be used by you only in order to avoid germs transfer.
The Bottom Line
Research from work at home jobs for writers platforms show that health is mostly a personal responsibility. Staying healthy calls for a personal choice to apply countermeasures to poor life and eating habits as highlighted in here.