We do many things in the kitchen, especially if we wear cooking pants in the house. However, don’t you hate it when things are out of place and your kitchen just looks like a garage sale? If so, it might be time for you to organize your kitchen appliances. We will walk you through on how to do it.
Do you use this appliance?
This is the first thing you need to ask yourself about every kitchen appliance you have. Admit it; sometimes, we buy things we don’t really need. The only reason some appliances are still in your kitchen is because of the illusion that you “might use it later”. Decluttering your kitchen starts with being honest with yourself.
Ask yourself, do you use this? If you answer yes, keep the appliance and proceed to the next question below. If you don’t, see whether it’s still in good condition or not. Maybe you can give it to a friend, donate it to a soup kitchen, or sell it online. Otherwise, just throw it away.
Do you use this often?
So now you’re sure that this appliance is still relevant for your kitchen. What you need to ask yourself next is the frequency of its usage. Some appliances might be useful, and that’s why you still keep them. But if you only use them every once in a while, keeping them all in the kitchen might create a big, unnecessary mess.
Let’s say you have a slow cooker. No doubt, it’s a functional appliance. Just throw in the ingredients, and voila, you get a nice meal a few hours later. However, if you find yourself not making stews regularly, maybe it’s time for the slow cooker to move to a more secluded area. Apply the same logic for other kitchen appliances as well.
In the end, you will have two groups of things: appliances you often and rarely use. Time to organize! This step is essential to get a tidy kitchen, so let’s jump right into it.
Things you use often
Depending on your lifestyle, you might have a few (or more) things in this category. If your kitchen has a lot of space, organizing appliances should be a piece of cake. You can allocate each spot and corner of the kitchen for a different purpose. This would allow you to create a flow in your kitchen. For example, you can put your toaster next to your stove, so you can enjoy breakfast with toast and eggs right away.
If your kitchen is less roomy, put in a bit of extra effort to organize things neatly. You can select a few of your most-used appliances and place them on the countertop. For the other ones, get creative with cabinets and drawers to maximize rooms for storage in the kitchen. Make sure that these appliances are easy to reach as you still use them frequently.
Spacious or not, you can still make your kitchen look neat and elegant. Placing appliances here and there doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice beauty. There are ways for you to arrange your kitchen both functionally and aesthetically. Look for interior kitchen inspirations on the internet for your reference.
Things you rarely use
In this group, you have a bunch of things that you still use every now and then, but not that often. People keep these things in the kitchen, which creates a mess, or put them away and forget about them completely. It’s good if you can balance it in the middle: organize them neatly, but still make them accessible enough to use anytime.
You can store these appliances in the kitchen or a separate storage room. The kitchen would function fine to store such things if it’s spacious enough. Otherwise, prepare a special spot in your house for this.
Remember to maintain the cleanliness of your storage room. It’s really easy for people to neglect this since they don’t go there often. Sweep, mop, and dust off the room along with the appliances in it regularly. This is important so that when you need something from there, you won’t need to deal with dirty, dusty boxes of kitchen appliances.
A few more tips
Besides the advice we’ve mentioned so far, you can also consider these tips for a tidy, better-organized kitchen.
Get a compact kitchen setup
Because this requires lots of effort, this is more of a suggestion than a tip. However, if you feel like your kitchen just has no hope of being well-organized, maybe it needs a total makeover already. A compact and well-designed kitchen set will save you a lot of energy to keep it tidy. It provides slots for basic kitchen needs, like a microwave, utensils, stove, and oven.
Invest in a good kitchen cart
While the kitchen setup might already have drawers to store your stuff, getting a kitchen cart might not be a bad idea. It’s handy when you do a lot of things in the kitchen; you can move it around to reach things more easily. Put items you need most often while you cook, such as kitchen towels, cookbooks, and many more.