Parking lots may seem like the safest places. This is mainly because most of the cars are static and moving ones do so at low speeds. But you can still get hurt in a parking lot if you slip and fall, primarily because most parking lots use concrete. Such accidents are under the premise liability law, and you have the right to file a lawsuit after such an accident. Several things can result in slip and fall accidents in parking lots and knowing them can help you build a strong case.

Owner negligence
Most parking lots are privately owned, where the owners must ensure there is safety at all times. It would be best if you showed that the parking lot owner failed in their duty of providing safety to everyone. Your submission in a lawsuit should show that the owner could have done more to keep the parking lot safer but instead neglected their responsibility. Proving the owner’s negligence will without a doubt guarantee that you get fairly compensated.
Among the common negligence issues include: failing to put warning signs whenever a condition can cause accidents in the parking lot. A good example is failing to let people know that repairs are going on in the parking lot. If you slip and fall on a parking lot because of tripping on a section undergoing repairs, and there is no warning sign, you can file a lawsuit.
Confusing signage
Some parking lot owners put confusing signs which might mislead you, eventually resulting in a slipping accident. A perfect example is a sign showing that a particular section of the parking lot is closed, but instead, they put the sign in the wrong place. If you slip and fall on the section that should have been closed, you can file a lawsuit against the parking lot owner. Signs that are not visible are also in this category. This is more so if it is a warning sign that is positioned so that you cannot see it. You only need to record the sign’s location using your phone or camera to prove that you could not see it.
Poor lighting
Most parking lot accidents related to poor lighting happen at night or during the days with heavy snow. It is the parking lot’s responsibility to make sure that you can clearly see where you are going at all times, irrespective of time or weather condition. In case the owner cannot provide proper lighting, the parking lot should be closed at a specific time or during certain weather.
Consult an Attorney
You should ensure you consult your lawyer, especially an experienced slip and fall injury attorney at Salamati Law in Los Angeles, before filing a lawsuit. This is because parking lot owners can dispute parking lot accidents. Consulting a lawyer is important because you will get enlightening information on the legal steps you should take. Therefore, to increase your chances of success, you should make sure you involve an attorney to guide you through the process.