Hey there my wonderful people! How was your day today? Here is something for all candle lovers! I bet there are many of you that enjoy the relaxing atmosphere of a burning candle. Also, candles have nice smell that will make you want to have them forever. But, what happens after your favorite candles are close to their ends! Probably, most of you feel sorry for them, but let us surprise you with some good news. You can reuse your old candles and make new ones! This is such a relieving fact that you can implement for your own candles. And the best thing about this idea is that it is really easy to be made. So, check out our ideas on How To Reuse Your Old Candles Collection and try to make at least one on your own.
Old Candles Reuse With Balloons
If you are wondering how you can recycle your round candles, say no more to this. The only thing that you will need to come to the desired shape is simply a balloon. Sounds surprising right? Then, check out the following example and get the right picture.

Image via: yahoo.com
Family Photos Candles Display
In the process of recycling, feel free to have fun and decorate your candles in the best way possible. So, here is an example from us, and that is a family photos candles display.

Image via: livinggreenandfrugally.com
Homemade Candles

Image via: happinessishomemade.net
Old Candles Reuse Ideas

Image via: thediyadventures.com

Photo via: happygoluckyblog.com
Apple Creative Old Candles Reuse

Image via: brit.co
Steps On How To Reuse Your Old Candles
In the below example you may check the steps you need to take in order to reuse your old candles. So, my dears, first you need to melt the left wax in a boiled water. After that, put your new candle wicks in the container that you have chosen for this purpose and pour the melted wax in it. Our tip is to additionally use a string for you to succeed in keeping the candle wick centered. Lastly, the results will show after the wax is cooled and this is when the fun begins. You may decorate it whenever you want.

Image via: suggys.co.uk

Photo via: postconsumers.com

Image via: blog.landofnod.com

Photo via: craftgawker.com

Image via: craftgawker.com

Photo via: theamendment21.com
DIY Bottle Cap Candles Ideas
If you want to make some cute candles, use your empty bottles caps. Here are the results:

Image via: popsugar.com
Homemade Heart Shaped Candles

Image via: adventures-in-making.com
Caramel Latte Tea Cup Candle

Image via: sparklesofsunshine.com
DIY Coffee Candles

Image via: ehow.com
So, how did you find this collection of how to reuse your old candles? We made this collection to give you great ideas on how to redecorate your dream home with something cool and creative. Therefore, feel free to share your comments with us. Thank you for reading and don’t forget to stay up to date with the content of Feel It Cool to find many other great home decor ideas. Until our next post – ‘Follow your heart and stay cool’