Hello my great readers! For today we have prepared for you something really refreshing and special. This means that we would want your attention to take a look at some really cool water fountains that you may implement in your garden. Once we have settled the subject and started doing research about these inventions, there was whole artist palette in front of us. Having said that, you will have the chance to see many different ideas for different shapes and sizes of The Coolest Garden Water Features Ever!
Modern Water Fountain With Metal and Stone Features
Flowing Bowls Water Feature
The flowing bowls is the most common image of a water fountain as it contains vivid look of a water flowing. This is what mot of the people desire to get from their water fountains. So, whenever you decide to implement a water feature, keep this flowing bowls image an you will not regret.
Antique Brown Water Fountains
If you are a person that pays attention to details, then you are on the right track as the following solar brown water fountains will make you say wow! So, these are really great solutions for water features as they will beautify your garden the best way possible. Also, they are solar which means that they will provide you with a light show during the warm summer nights.
Ceramic Colorful Water Feature
The ceramic water feature below is a real masterpiece that you can even make it on your own. This is made of ceramic material and it is additionally painted which gives this fountain an artistic feature. Additionally, you may add any decoration that you might find such as the little cute rocks in one of the bowls.
DIY Bubble Fountain
And here we are with a practical example on how you can make a bubble fountain for your garden and patio. Let your garden shine with your new creation! So, the below picture my dears will give you a drawn instruction of what this invention has to entail. After checking the image, kindly use this link to learn more on how you can actually create it properly. Isn’t this super cool?
Decorative Gutter Water Feature
And my dears, what do you think about a gutter water feature? Well, at first it might surprise you, but actually this is very practical and bright idea that will make your garden very nice place to stay.
Cool Water Features
So, how did you find this collection of cool garden water features? We have made this collection to give you great ideas on how to redecorate your dream home with something cool and creative. Therefore, feel free to share your comments with us. Thank you for reading and don’t forget to stay up to date with the content of Feel It Cool to find many other great home decor ideas. Until our next post – ‘Follow your heart and stay cool’