Hi my beautiful people! Are you in for another DIY project? This time we are going to present you some great ideas through pictures and we will show you how you can make bathroom rugs with the things that you already have at home. If this is quite surprising to you, you will soon realize how you can easily make your desired bathroom rug. Having said that, as this is a DIY project, check out below which are the things that you may recycle.
DIY Bathroom Rugs With Fabric

Image via: livinspaces.net
We are sure that everyone of you keeps a fabric in your home. That is also the case with our old clothes that we are too sensitive to through them. So, this time, you can reuse your loved pieces of fabric in order to make some great bathroom rugs inventions. Therefore, here we are with some picture ideas on how you can actually do this great bathroom element.

Image via: picmia.com

Photo via: adeartesanato.com

Image via: industrystandarddesign.com

Photo via: mujerde10.com
Pebbles DIY Bathroom Rugs
If you do not have the nerves to make your bathroom rug with small pieces of fabric, here is another wonderful idea. Namely, you can make this project with using only small pebbles. You just have to glue these pebbles to a square background. And these are the results that you will get. Aren’t they awesome?

Image via: myamazingthings.com

Photo via: gottalovediy.com
Pom Pom Bathroom Rugs
And here are the good old pom pom designs. So, if you have previously tried to do some pom pom decor ideas, kindly note that they will be also perfectly applicable for your bathroom. So, if you want to have these beauties in your bathroom as well, indulge yourself in creating one of the most charming bathroom rugs. Here is what you will get in the end!

Image via: makeanddocrew.com

Photo via: flipboard.com
DIY Bathroom Rugs With Ropes
If you keep a rope in your home by any chance, this is how you can creatively and practically reuse it. So, you can make a great rope designed bathroom rug and here are the picture instructions.

Image via: icreativeideas.com
Crochet Rug DIY Ideas

Image via: indulgy.com

Image via: shareapattern.com
Colorful Fabric Rugs DIY Ideas

Image via: 1001consejos.com
Knitted Bathroom Rug Instructions
Want to have an idea on how you may knit your bathroom rug? Well, you an use the picture instructions below. So, for today, try to start some of the presented ideas that attracted your attention the most.

Image via: bystephanielynn.com
Recycled Towel Rug
Lastly, here is a great idea that you can make out of your bathroom towels. Feel free to play around with your recycled pieces.

Image via: handimania.com
So, how did you find this collection of DIY bathroom rugs? We have made this collection to give you great ideas on how to redecorate your dream home with something cool and creative. Therefore, feel free to share your comments with us. Thank you for reading and don’t forget to stay up to date with the content of Feel It Cool to find many other great home decor ideas. Until our next post – ‘Follow your heart and stay cool’