There is a reason why sleep experts are hired to test out mattresses and sleeping spaces. Amazingly, a mattress plays a huge role in your everyday quality of life because of its direct effect on your sleep. Take a look below at how your mattress affects your sleep.

- Poor Breathing While Sleeping
The quality of the mattress that you sleep on directly impacts your breathing cycle. An uncomfortable mattress means that, throughout the night, you experiment with different sleeping positions in search of one that will make you feel most comfortable. This may compromise your body positioning, which, in turn, affects your breathing cycle. A poor-quality pillow is usually the reason behind poor breathing and snoring. However, if your pillow is right, but your mattress is not, you’ll still have the same problem on your hands.
Waiting for an eternity before replacing your old mattress could mean breathing in mold and other types of fungi. This holds particularly true for rooms that are not well-ventilated during the day and are humid. To make sure that you are breathing in clean air, open the windows, take out your mattress for regular ventilation, and ensure that the mattress you’re using is of good quality. A poor-quality mattress is the breeding ground for various strains of fungi.
You may think that your sinus issues are related to external elements that appear in the evenings and early mornings. But, you may want to consider the argument that your mattress could be the reason why your sleep gets disturbed by constant sneezing, itchy eyes, and a blocked nose. Dust mites and unseen particles are harbored in poor-quality mattresses that are not hypoallergenic. As a result, the body is unable to rejuvenate itself, causing you to experience painful evenings and mornings.
- Poor Sleeping Posture Resulting In Body Pains
Have you ever rolled out of bed and felt as if you have an elephant balancing on your back? If this is the case, you may need to re-look the quality of your mattress. A poor-quality mattress does not align your back and spine the way the likes of Purple Mattress do. These types of mattresses support your back, shoulders, and neck, leaving you rested and ready to start the day. Also, you can’t help but look forward to heading back to your cozy bed at the end of the day. Additionally, your joints won’t feel as if they are about to give in at any minute.
- Nightmares
Frequent nightmares can be a result of restless sleep. Slipping in and out of uncomfortable sleep affects your mental, particularly your subconscious, state. A good-quality mattress makes for uncompromised sleep, meaning that your subconscious mind is in a restful state.
- Night Sweats
The constant tossing and turning during sleep can cause night sweats. Your body will as if be working out while trying to find a comfortable position, which can be physically taxing. This is how you sometimes find yourself in a pool of sweat, thinking that, perhaps, you are wrapped in too many blankets. A good-quality mattress, however, makes sure that your body is in a comfortable position throughout the night, causing fewer tosses resulting in sweating.
- Skin Irritation While You Sleep
Your mattress may not be a result of having made a bad purchasing decision. It may be the result of having to replace the old mattress. Old mattresses harbor germs, dust mites, and bed bugs that may not even be visible to the naked eye. This is why you may sometimes wake up feeling itchy in certain parts of your body.
- Lack Of Sleep
You may think that your good old unwelcome visitor named insomnia is tied to other factors. However, insomnia may just be enjoying the mattress that you are laying on. A mattress that needs a replacement will make sure to communicate this to you by keeping you up at night. Replacing your mattress and bedding will help you in your quest to find the sleep that you have always dreamed of.
If you never paid attention to the quality of your mattress, thinking that it has nothing to do with your overall health and how well you function in your day-to-day life, it is time that you do. If you suffer from any of the above-mentioned issues, the root cause may just be your mattress. Make it a habit to replace poor-quality mattresses and aerate them on a regular basis to ensure a consistent good night’s sleep, as well as optimal wellness.